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Jun 01, 2016

Ask us about our filter deals

It's the first of the month don't forget to change your filters

Dust is made up of 80% human skin. Imagine all that nasty stuff your breathing in. It's always best, no matter what the label says, to change your filter every month. This will help cut down on allergies and it helps those that suffer from asthma. Another thing you can do to help is have an ultra violet light installed to your system.

May 06, 2016

Clean your condenser

Dont forget to wash off your condenser outside. This will help it from getting clogged with grass, dirt and other things that can get sucked into it when it is running. All you have to do is 1. turn off your a.c. 2. Use thumb pressure (not a water sprayer) and rinse starting from the top and work your way down. 3. Repeat on all four sides. You should probably do this once a month during spring and summer.

May 06, 2016

12:00 PM

spring and fall service

Remember to have your systems serviced twice a year. This will prevent them from breaking down when you need them most.

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